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Anker 1

For the early detection of gynaecological cancers, such as cervical cancer, uterine body cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer, we use the following examinations:


  •  Vaginal ultrasound (using a modern, high-resolution vaginal transducer) 

  •  Breast ultrasound (with the help of a modern, high-resolution ultrasound device) 

  •  Improved smear examination by ThinPrep method (offers more accurate diagnosis than conventional “PAP smears”) 

  •  Immunological stool test

Anker 2
Frau, die Ultraschall

Every pregnancy is a unique miracle, and at the same time, a nine month process with many physical, psychological and social changes. During this time, we offer you the greatest possible medical security and an open ear for all your questions, in order to strengthen your female and maternal competence.

We work closely with a good network of competent midwives, prenatal diagnosticians and obstetricians at the Berlin clinics.

Anker 3

If you would like to have a child, we would be happy to advise you individually and sensitively in this special life situation. What should be considered in advance? What to do if it does not work out? A detailed anamnesis, examination and analysis of the hormonal situation (cycle monitoring if needed) are important. If necessary, we carry out drug stimulation treatments for egg maturation. In case of severe fertility disorders, we work together with competent fertility centres.

Anker 4

Whether condoms, hormonal contraception, coils or NFP (natural family planning) - there are a variety of contraceptive methods. In a detailed conversation, after a careful personal and family anamnesis, we will identify risk factors and work out your needs and wishes in contraception. Together, with you, we will find the optimal method for your life situation.

Anker 5

Women often experience discomfort in the genital area - such as itching, vaginal dryness, slight incontinence, pain during sexual intercourse or a tendency to inflammation, and evaluate them as a result of hormonal changes or childbirth. This can have a considerable effect on their quality of life and partnership.

Since 2012, we treat these complaints with the CO2 laser of MonaLisa Touch. Due to the safe procedure, new collagen elastin fibres, as well as vessels are formed in the vaginal wall, and the structure of the vagina and the moisture formation improves. The treatment takes 10 to 15 minutes, often the first application already leads to a significant improvement. Depending on the diagnosis, three to five treatments at intervals of four to six weeks are recommended. After one year, we recommend a one-time refresher treatment.

Please contact us if you are interested or have any questions. If required, we will prepare an individual treatment plan for you.

You can find further information in the adjacent video.

Anker 6
glücklich Teens

During these consultations, young girls can receive confidential advice on their physical development, sexuality, love, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as vaccination against cervical cancer.

They can come alone, with their mother, or another person they trust. The topics discussed are generally subject to medical confidentiality.

Often a gynaecological examination is not even necessary at the first visit. However, if there are any complaints, concerns, or if an examination is desired, it will be carried out sensitively. In preparation for the first visit to the gynaecologist, you can visit www.mä

Anker 7

Between the ages of 45 and 60, women experience physical and psychological changes caused by the decline in female hormones. To experience and accept the natural process of one’s own aging is a challenge for most women. Hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, loss of libido, weight gain, joint pain, vaginal dryness (and therefore pain during intercourse), and bladder weakness are all common symptoms.

Treatment is not always necessary. Often times, lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise or plant based treatments are sufficient. However, if you have a pronounced condition, we will assess your physical and family risk factors and; if necessary, carry out a low-dose, individually adapted hormone treatment.

Anker 8

Hormones are the most important messenger substances in the body. Disorders in this system can cause many symptoms; such as thyroid diseases, bleeding disorders, fertility disorders, acne, hair loss or climacteric complaints. In these cases, a blood test is often groundbreaking. Subsequently, an appropriate hormonal treatment can be carried out.

Through regular further training, we always treat you according to the latest medical standards.

Anker 9
Mutter Stillen Baby-

Breastfeeding naturally combines food intake with the development of a healthy mother-child bond. Breast milk adapts to the respective stage of development, contains numerous nutrients and ensures the immune protection of the infant.

We are very pleased about every successful breastfeeding relationship. However, today breastfeeding is no longer learned as a matter of course within an extended family, which is why young mothers are often dependent on the help of a midwife or lactation consultant. We would therefore be pleased to advise you on breastfeeding during and after pregnancy.

Anker 10

Do you suffer from uncontrolled urine loss and are you constantly worried that an accident could happen at any time when you sneeze, cough or laugh? This is an enormous burden for many people who suffer from incontinence. This condition is often endured in silence because many sufferers do not confide in a doctor. However, with EMSELLA®, an innovative non-invasive treatment method, we can help you treat your incontinence effectively and very discreetly.

The BTL EMSELLA® chair uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate the pelvic floor muscles. The muscles are contracted and thus trained. The result is a strengthened pelvic floor, which has a positive effect on intimate complaints and bladder weakness.

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